

Project G.A.R.D.E.N.S

During our Senior Capstone class, our objective was to develop a pitchable project that integrated the 'Community' theme. With a timeline of 14 weeks, we transformed our ideas into an industry-level end-product. Throughout the process, we actively participated in stand-ups and presented bi-weekly pitches to showcase our progress.

  • Sebastian - Lead UX Researcher/UI Designer
  • Cesar - UX Researcher/UI Designer
  • Luke - UX Designer/Prototyper
  • Hannah- UX Architect/UI Designer
  • Mikaela - Project Manager/Branding
9 weeks
Figma, FigJam

Redefining Collaboration Through Task Management

Navigating the post-COVID hybrid work model has accentuated the need for effective productivity tracking. Chuck, a user-friendly task management tool, emerges as the solution to foster collaboration while respecting individual work preferences.

How can we enhance task collaboration in hybrid work, adapting to diverse work styles and team dynamics for  task reassignment?

Unveiling Chuck's Purpose:

Meet Chuck—a revolutionary task management tool designed for hybrid work. Beyond traditional task tracking, Chuck enables effortless task reassignment through its unique Chuck board. With personalized workspaces, it caters to individual work styles, enhancing overall efficiency. By fostering smooth communication and intelligent task reallocation, Chuck brings teams together for a cohesive and efficient work experience.


Efficiency in Design Collaboration

Surveying the collaborative landscape, a prevalent obstacle emerged – the fragmentation of essential tools. This insight fueled our tool's development, dedicated to streamlining workflows for designers managing non-linear, iterative projects. For instance, completing tasks in Figma from different projects before diving into User Interview analysis streamlines workflow. This strategic approach promises a more efficient design process. This insight laid the foundation for engaging conversations with designers, shaping our understanding of the hybrid work environment.


Insights from Designers

Conversations with experts like Rachel Diesel, Jonathan Dharmadi, and Will McCloskey highlighted challenges such as limited casual connections, excessive meetings, and the importance of seamless communication in hybrid work settings.

Rachel Diesel, Head of Design at New Retirement & Adjunct Professor at RIT (Remote)


  • Emphasized the lack of casual social avenues.
  • Advocated for low-pressure environments and open communication.
  • Facilitate open communication on workloads and mental/energy readiness.
  • Highlighted the need for fostering informal team bonding.
Jonathan Dharmadi, Associate Product Designer at Spotify, (In-Person)


  • Discussed disruptions caused by excessive meetings.
  • Spotify teams typically focus on specific platform tasks rather than diverse projects.
  • Streamline communication and share work snippets effortlessly through update boards, ensuring teams are well-informed and reducing redundancy to mitigate duplicated efforts and resource loss.
Will McCloskey, Designer at Instrument (Hybrid)


  • Teams function as separate mini agencies, limiting cross-team communication.
  • Open channels like Slack enable visibility into others' work, promoting transparency.
  • Hopes for opportunities exist for teams to socialize outside of work, enhancing connections.
  • Multiple projects across diverse clients are common, showcasing versatility.

High Level Goals

Enhancing Productivity with Chuck: Our Objectives and Approach

Our focus is on improving task delegation, enhancing trust, and fostering social capital in the evolving hybrid work landscape.

1. Focus On What is Important

Juggling multiple apps for repetitive updates disrupts productivity and workflow. Design processes, unlike linear development or agile settings, require a low-stakes platform for seamless updates.

2. Facilitating Trust & Honesty

Hybrid and remote work have transformed team communication. Adapting to the change can be challenging. Previously, working in close proximity allowed for quick task handovers and easy communication. Now, we aim to offer a low-pressure way to delegate tasks and openly express workload concerns online.

1. Improve Social Capital

Building connections generates social capital vital for business progress. Casual interactions, common in break rooms or office events, must also find online counterparts for effective remote work.

1. Task Redelegation For All Workflows

With diverse workflows between head of design, agency designer, and in-house designer, the workspace for task needs be adataple to meet the different working styles.


Laying The Ground Work

As the lead UX researcher and secondary UI designer, I steered the team through comprehensive research, conducted insightful interviews, and offered pivotal insights. I not only facilitated the design process with essential resources and templates but also crafted an outline for user personas and journey maps. These tools served as guiding beacons, aiding in a deeper understanding of our target users and helped create the UX artifacts that followed.

Crafting Personas for Chuck's Diverse Users

Leveraging interviews, research, and competitive analysis, our team meticulously constructed three personas tailored for senior designers, junior designers, and project managers. These personas played a crucial role in molding our design decisions, ensuring our product aligned with the specific needs and challenges of these user groups.


Visualizing User Interactions with Chuck: Journey Mapping

Building on the personas’ backgrounds, opinions on monitoring, desires, goals, frustrations, and experiences, we envisioned potential interactions with Chuck, mapping out how these diverse user personas might engage with the product.


Shaping Chuck's Workflow Structure

Our comprehensive site map and user flow laid the foundation for Chuck's workflow, ensuring a cohesive user experience as we transitioned into the production phase.

ChuckBoard Flow: Expanded Card

  • From the chuckboard employees can see all projects along with its currents chucked tasks simultaneously.
  • The ability to view what tasks are up for grab and accept the chucked task.
  • View what tasks you chucked, to better understand your workload.
  • Send communication directly from the chucked task to a person for them to take up your chucked task.

ChuckBoard Manger Flow

  • From the chuckboard a manger can assign a chuck task and view it in greater detail.
  • They can also approve chucked tasked if required.
  • See who chucked a task and who accepted it on the individual chuck task expanded

Visualizing Workflow Through Iteration

Refining Workflow Sketches for Chuck

Starting with sketches, we outlined the core workflow sections. Collaborative critiques helped align our visual goals, ensuring consistency with Chuck's primary objectives and functionality. This process led to the exclusion of elements incongruent with Chuck's core focus, like the idea of a whiteboard, as it didn't align with Chuck's primary purpose.

Testing Chuck's Blueprint: Wireframes Evolution

Our initial wireframes formed the basis for testing workflow, layout, and navigation, jumpstarting the formatting of components within "Chuck's" design evolution.

Enhancing Workflow Finesse: Iterative Wireframes

Through three iterations of wireframes and light prototyping, we honed and refined the workflow for "Chuck." These iterations focused on enhancing visual elements such as task cards for improved hierarchical readability and reworking the layout of popup modals to make their presence more visually evident over the main screen.


Infusing Personality: Chuck's Stylish Makeover

After refining our wireframes, we incorporated style and branding elements from our mini design system to cultivate a warm, playful, and inviting atmosphere within "Chuck."


Our mascot, Chuck, is a groundhog. The term 'Chuck' pays homage to its common behavior of chucking wood, similar to how one would delegate a task.



The icons are meant to be bold simple and recognizable to anyone who has used similar tools before.


Mulish, a minimalist sans-serif typeface, enhances readability and provides space for 'Chuck.' Its simplicity allows for playful elements, adding a lighthearted touch to break up the mundane nature of task management.


old and bright colors add joyful elements, offering clear contrast between tasks, statuses, and buttons. This ensures clarity for users, minimizing any potential misinterpretation.

How to Chuck?

Personal Dashboard View

In the personal dashboard view, employees access their current tasks organized by project. Task cards provide in-depth information, while tags offer quick task categorization. The list/board toggle facilitates a dynamic shift between list and category views, offering versatility in various scenarios.

Chuckboard Personal View

The Chuckboard personal view enables employees to access and manage their current tasks. With the ability to 'rechuck' tasks, different view options like default, calendar, and timeline are available to suit varying needs—calendar for future planning and timeline for task prioritization. Search and filter functions provide quick task retrieval, while the toggle switch swiftly changes between personal and team tasks.

Chuckboard Team View

In the team view of Chuckboard, employees can access and review tasks assigned to others. This feature allows individuals to review tasks from other team members and accept them. It offers a comprehensive view of team tasks, enabling smoother collaboration and task distribution among team members.

Taskboard Personal View

The taskboard personal view provides employees the ability to view and manage tasks from various teams they are a part of. This feature allows individuals to have a consolidated view of tasks across different teams they are involved with, fostering a comprehensive approach to managing their responsibilities within the organization.

Taskboard Team View

The taskboard team view enables employees to view tasks from different teams they are a part of. This feature offers a consolidated view of tasks across various teams, fostering a comprehensive approach to managing responsibilities across different team collaborations.

Expanded Card View

Expanding a task card allows for greater detail on that specific task and the project it belongs to, offering an in-depth understanding of the task's specifics and its relation to the overall project.



1. Mental health awareness:

Recognizing and addressing the importance of mental well-being in the workplace will help to build trust between employees and employers.

2. Preference for remote/hybrid:

Teams accommodating the increasing desire for flexible work arrangements and remote collaboration will have more success.

3. Promoting Collaboration:

Collaboration between teams and individuals helps create a better work environment.

4. Work-life balance

Prioritizing a healthy balance between work and personal life for enhanced productivity and satisfaction.

Next Steps


Implement UI for meeting rooms, messenger, and notifications to enhance communication and navigation within the workspace.


Develop the project management side further to improve task organization and delegation for manager.


Iteratively refine the UI design to ensure a user-friendly and visually appealing interface for better usability.


Conduct user testing to gather feedback and refine functionalities to align with user preferences and needs.